A numerical method for calculating transmission of an electron penetrating arbitrary potential barriers is adopted to obtain the resonance energy levels, wave functions and transmission coefficient when a donor atom is in the well of a double barrier structure. 采用计算穿越任意势之透射系数的数值计算方法,得到了在双势垒阱区中有正电杂质时电子隧穿的共振能级、波函数、透射系数。
The apparent or average activation energies for soil water is the energy expended by a molecule in surmounting a potential energy barrier between tWo quasi-equlibrium positions along the line of flow, and it is factor of rate-limiting and can be calculated by Arrhenius equation. 土壤水的表观或平均活化能是耗费在一个水分子越过两个流线准平衡位置势能垒所需能量,此能垒是速率限制因子,可由Arrhenius方程式计算。